

Painting by Love MoonEagle

AGM Heart Gallery

You stand around the water cooler, the work site, the hair salon, or plug away at the computer giving it your best or worst hoping to make it to the end of your tour of duty without collapsing, screaming in frustration, or calling it quits. You have horror stories or exciting inspiration about your work environment of choice. You know what it takes to do the job but may feel you are underpaid and overworked. Or you may want people to know what is going on or how they can help. 

When describing your past, present, or possible future performance serving with love or hate, you should include the good and bad parts, too. It could be a zoo. Present a picture of the type of job you have or wish you had and how to get it. Educate us all on the benefits or destruction we can all expect from this career and how it impacts everyday life for you and everyone else. You might post real pay expectations in your state or what the job really entails. 

Whatever you decide to comment, just remember that others work there too. Take into consideration how they may feel about their work. Give us the lowdown on who did what, when, where, and to who. Be careful, though, not to implicate innocent bystanders in your deep state discussions. Some might take offense, comment too, open and clean your closet! Try not to employer or boss-bash as you expose the real deal. Your big wigs may be reading and commenting, too!


Gratuity Management

The New Professionalism

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Hello, Spirits! My Native America Indian name is Love MoonEagle Powhatan. Welcome to my personal and professional beautification advice and ...